Volume III, Issue 41, October 20, 2017

In this Issue:
-Candy Trivia from Pres. Scott Russell
-Candy used for Delayed Gratification Study
-Next meeting moved, both time and place
Comments? Rotary News? Send to:
Roger Nicholson, Editor-of-the-month 
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Per Sgt. at Arms, Jon Kelly:  Thought for the day from Benjamin Franklin:  "The Doors of Wisdom never shut".
Speaker:  Christopher La Riche, MD 
Guests:  Meg Dangler of Read With Me, guest of Skip Behrhorst; Maren Quanbeck of Aspen Music Festival, guest of Christina King; Jen Phelan, Deputy Planning Director/City of Aspen, guest of Lori Small
Dr. La Riche discussed 'Willpower-The Science of Self Control' and how to strengthen willpower.  A summary of his key points upon which he has built his thesis:
Willpower is a key component of decision making.
The Law of Attraction:  Thoughts become things.
'You make your habits for the first 30 years of your life, for the last 30 years of your life, your habits make you'.  (Old Hindu saying)
Willpower allows you to keep the commitments you make.
Happiness comes from sacrificing the things we want to do for the things we need to do.
Willpower is the best success indicator/predictor.
There is a proven correlation between sugar/glucose in your system and the willpower you possess.
You will find material for developing willpower through WOOP, StickK, The Marshmallow Test, The Dunedin Study, the 1998 Roy Baumiester study and The Habit Loop, all of which are easily engaged through the Internet.
Editor's Note:  This was a most compelling presentation and most stayed late rather than leaving at 8:30
Dan Furth won the Raffle but failed to draw the Queen of Hearts.
Justin Barrow awarded a Blue Badge to Shaun Hathaway.  Congratulations Shaun!
Halloween candy was the subject of President Scott Russell's trivia for this week.  M & M's are the most popular candy in the world with enough consumed per year to reach 4.25 times around the world.  For Halloween, 600 tons of candy are consumed, worth $4.2 billion dollars.  Candy Corn is the most popular Halloween candy, followed by Licorice and Reese's Pieces.
Our meeting for Thursday, November 26 will be held at the Tesla showroom on the Street Mall at 5:30.  It is a joint meeting between and AYPA.  The theme is Global Leadership and is a mixer intended to enhance interest in both organizations. 
Guest Meg Dangler told us about Read With Me, a community reading program for the Aspen School District.  Read With Me is funded by the Aspen Education Foundation and has a goal of raising the reading skills of students across the educational spectrum.  They are looking for volunteers to work within the program.  If you can do this, please contact Meg at or call her at
970 925-3760 x3125.  The website for the program is
For Your Calendar
10/26/17  Next Meeting is at 5:30 Thursday evening at the Tesla showroom and includes appetizers and beer/wine.  For this event we will be sending an invitation and an RSVP is requested.
11/2/17  Presentation by Heidi Hoffman and Bill Small on World Community Service.
11/9/17  Mike Serio of Wells Fargo Bank. 
Member News
Happy Bucks:  Clarence B. is "just happy"
                            Todd B. is happy to be leaving for a family event in Minnesota
                            Peter W. is happy for Meg Dangler who also runs a Parenting organization
                            Justin B. is happy to have participated in a Tesla test drive
                            Skip B. is happy to return to Aspen after a visit to his Upper New York vacation home
                            Susan G. is happy for Christmas Wish
                            Norm B. is happy that he will visit Crested Butte for the weekend
                            Maurice E. is happy the town is empty
                            Pres. Scott is (was) happy his Cubs were still hanging on.
                            Susan O. is happy to have enjoyed Aspen Rotary before returning to Washington D.C.
                            Kurt A. is happy to be back from his summer house in Wisconsin
Newsletter Sponsors
Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
The Weekly Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Aspen.
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