Volume II, Issue 34, August 22, 2016

In this Issue:
- The end of summer
- The war on drugs
- The Aspen Institute does not disappoint with speakers

Comments, keep 'em to yourself... Rotary News? Send to:
Ashton Hewitt, Editor-of-the-month 
Speaker photo
Thursday, August 18, 2016
John Ward stepped in as Sergeant-at-Arms, 2 quotes of the week "Summer is over, time to officially remember what day it is." and "Summer always ends with good memories"
Chris Bendon thanked all of his Ducky Derby committee heads with lovely gifts from wine to Donald Trump socks.
Speaker:  Johann Hari, author, Chasing the Scream. 
Johann was a captivating speaker. Through his journey in writing his book about the war on drugs, he learned some very different approaches to this war and how to manage it worldwide. He touched on legalization, case studies to support legalization and alternative methods to fight this drug epidemic. The "war on drugs begets violence on drugs" it was insightful and thought provoking. I encourage you to look up his book
Guests: Jeff Olson, Ducky Derby $10,000 winner, Jeff Barrow (Justin Barrow), Lori King (Christina King), Jim Williams (Jennifer Allen), Adriana Martinez, exchange student from Spain
Visiting Rotarians:Bob Rose from Evergreen, CO, Gerry Schauer of St. Andrews Rotary in Charleston, SC, Donna Genet of Miami - Dade County, FL, David Grimes of Greensboro, NC
Donna Genet is looking for a ride to the Vail area Labor Day weekend. Please let her know if you are going that way and can help.
Steve Seyffert read a letter from Tania, one of the scholarship recipients, with a heartfelt thank you and appreciation for our club after she helped with Ducky Derby and attended a meeting.
For Your Calendar
Thursday, August 25 - Rotary Speaker will be Ross King, a bestselling author of books on Italian, French and Canadian art and history.  He will speak about biographies - why we read them, and what it's like to write them.
 Thursday, August 25 - Peter Waanders extended the following invitation. Elections that Speak to Us Today - Through the Lens of Ken Burns. Please join us for this half-day forum delving into these questions within the context of the current presidential election. 2:00-5:00 pm Paepcke Auditorium. Normally open only to Society of Fellows members, Rotarians are welcome. $75 per person. Register online
Tuesday, August 30 - Ducky Derby recap meeting at 4:30 pm, in the upstairs room at Mountain Chalet for anyone who would like to attend and provide feedback and suggestions for next year’s event.
Saturday, September 24 - you guessed it, Annual Senior Jeep Tour, details to be unveiled in the next few weeks

Head Duck Chris Brendon presents Title Sponsor Tom Clark with a slightly used banner. After a summary of the successes of this year's race, Chris received a well-deserved standing ovation from the club.
Newsletter Sponsors
Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
The Weekly Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Aspen.
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 #aspenrotary #duckyderby2016 #quackquack